Hello there! I am an assistant professor at the University of Glasgow, and an affiliate researcher of IMT Atlantique. My research interests include virtual social interactions, social signal processing and multimodal interactive systems. My application domains include social skills training, health and wellbeing, and team collaboration.
Lecturer, University of Glasgow
2021-*, School of Computing/GIST, Glasgow, UK
Assistant Professor, IMT Atlantique
2019-2021, LS2N, Nantes, France
Research Fellow, University of Glasgow
2018, School of Psychology, Glasgow, UK
Research Associate, USC ICT
2015-2018, Institute for Creative Technologies, LA, CA, USA
JSPS Post-doctoral Fellow, NII
2015, Prendinger Lab, Tokyo, Japan
PhD Candidate, Telecom Paristech
2011/2015, Greta Team, Paris, France
PhD, Computer Science
2015, Telecom Paristech
MEng, Telecommunications
2011, Telecom Bretagne
MRes, Computer Science
2011, Université de Rennes 1
12-21 — I have accepted a new faculty position as Lecturer in the Glasgow Interactive Systems group of the University of Glasgow’s School of Computing! I remain an associate researcher at IMT Atlantique and in the LS2N laboratory. I have funding opportunities at all levels (PhD, post-docs, engineering, internships) in both Glasgow and Nantes, don’t hesitate to contact me!
10-21 — Several positions and internships are open in the LS2N/PACCE team of IMT Atlantique (Nantes, France, with possibilities of research visits to Glasgow, UK) on exciting projects related to virtual social interactions, collaboration, and social skills training.